Wow! Looking at the last date that I actually published a post, I just realized what a slacker I am! It's been two months! No wonder Blogger gave me the side eye when I signed in like "And just who are you???" My only excuse is that this has been an intense semester and as soon as finals are done, I'm going to get back into the posting groove.
Anywhoooooo... Monday Night Franklin and Mon/Wed Columbia classes, you guys are in the books. I just got done posting your grades to the Columbia State system and you should be able to view them on or after May 14.
For you Columbia folks, the average grade was a 76 before the curve or bonus. Don't let that give you a case of the vapors! It's actually pretty good considering the amount of material we covered and the fact that there were a lot of book questions. The curve was 6 points set by the great Rachael W. Congrats Rachael!
As far as the essays go for both classes, my biggest complaint is that a lot of you simply didn't follow through with your explanations. You would tell me that so-and-so should be on the pro list because they would be great at negotiations or because their personal insight would be valuable but you didn't tell me why!!! What was it specifically about them that made you say this. However, I can say that almost everybody in both classes got perfect scores on the "No" committee. You guys were very outspoken in the people that you would beat away from the committee door with a big stick! It was really fun to read these papers because I got a whole lot of insight into how you think.
Some of you asked if I would post my own lists on here so you could see what I would have written for this essay. Check back Sunday or Monday and you'll be able to pick my brain! I'll post my own essay after I get the grades done and submitted for my Friday class.
Finally, I think that some of you may be a little disappointed in your overall averages for the semester. A lot of you simply didn't do your movie reviews or only did one of them. That lack of a grade really hurt a lot of people. Many of you were THISCLOSE to the next grade up but missed it by a few points. In every one of these cases, you didn't do the extra credit. Also, participation hurt some of you. I think that a lot of you forgot that just showing up for class isn't enough. You had to EARN your participation points and believe me, I didn't give them to you if you didn't earn them. Keep both of those points in mind when you pull up your grades and got a C if you were expecting a B or a B and wanted an A.
Regardless, I really enjoyed both of your classes. I hope you learned something that you just never expected, something that made you go "Hmmm" and want to learn more. We only scratched the surface :)
Have a wonderful summer!
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