OK, go outside (yes, even if you are still wearing your pj's), close your eyes, take a deep breath and take in the smell of...the beginning of the fall TV season. Isn't it just wonderful?!?
This is my absolute favorite time of the year. As the oppressing heat of summer begins to fade away and we start to get the first hints of nippy fall weather I get all giddy because new TV has started. I can immerse myself into the fake lives of all the characters that I love and love to hate. Sons of Anarchy and The Vampire Diaries have both started off with a bang. And Supernatural and Nikita are yet to come. The premiere that I'm most looking forward to though is Fringe; I've gone all summer jonesing for a good Walter fix.
On top of all my returning faves, it looks like there's going to be a bunch of good newbies on the block. The Secret Circle piqued my interest and Terra Nova is looking pretty good. But the one that I have high hopes for is Ringer. Identical twins where one "dies" and the other assumes her life? A trite concept, I know, but after watching last week's pilot, I'm anxious to see where they go next. My only question as I watched was, "Hey Buffy, where's Spike?"
I have already resigned myself to the fact that things like prepping for class and writing the next chapter of the book I'm working are just simply going to have to play second fiddle to my old friend the TV right now. If I suddenly go off on tangents talking about Damon and Elena and how I wish I had an identical twin so I could fake my own death, just bear with me.
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