"Naked and starving as they are
We cannot enough admire
The incomparable Patience and Fidelity
of the Soldier."
George Washington wrote these words in his journal during the horrendous winter of 1777-78 when he and his soldiers fought to survive at Valley Forge. They are now inscribed on the monument at the campsite.
Today, over 2 centuries later, I truly believe that the same feeling applies as we remember the events of a decade ago when this country suffered from its worst attack in recent memory.
On that day, I remember sitting in my car, listening to the radio as I waited to go into the office and start the workday. I had already dropped Caitlin off at school and since traffic was lighter than normal, I had a few extra minutes to kill. When they broke into the music to tell about the first plane hitting the WTC, I ran into the office and turned on the lights and TV just in time to watch the smoke begin to plume from the 2nd tower. In my 28 years, I had never been so scared. Was it an accident? Was it the beginnings of an invasion? We just didn't know and the longer we waited, the worse the fear got. As my co-workers and I watched the footage and saw the Pentagon get hit and then the crash of Flight 93, all I could do was to pray for those who had been lost and those who were trying to help.
Today, as we remember 9/11, I am still doing the same. I pray for our country and its leaders. I pray for all of those who willingly put their lives on the line to serve in our military and keep us all safe. I pray for those who serve on a civilian level, the policemen, firemen, emergency crews who constantly put themselves in danger for us. I pray for us all as I know with all my heart that I am proud to be an American.
God bless America!
I completely agree with you about praying for the ones who put their lives on the line to serve in the military to keep us all safe!
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree, the 9/11 attacks has changed the history of America from gas to government and federal spending not to mention it brought us into a war in the Middle East. But technically the USA has never lost a war in the nations history.