Today in 1777, the final part of the Battle of Saratoga began. For those of you in yesterday's American History class, a light bulb ought to be going off over your heads (hint, hint, it's important). This battle is the turning point of the American Revolution. With this victory, George Washington ensured that the United Colonies would get help from France to win independence from Great Britain. From this point on, it's not a matter of "if" the Patriots would win, it was a question of "when."
Flash forward a couple of centuries to 1960 and October 7 brings us to the first of the televised debates between presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon. Going into the debates, Nixon had a slight edge and most pollsters were predicting the former VP to head the nation. However, what nobody realized was that no matter how good a speaker he was, Nixon's 5 o'clock shadow and obvious pain from an injured knee made him look untrustworty next to JFK's perfectly coiffed hottness. Guess who won? (If you have had my Am Hx II class, you better remember the answer!)
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