If you've been a follower of this blog for any length of time, you already know what a TV junkie I am. I'm always jonesing for new episodes of my favorite shows. And I don't mind telling you that I get all kinds of excited when September gets here and the fall season starts back up. Last night proved to be one of those times. Since I don't have classes on Tues/Thurs this semester, I had all day long to wait with baited breath for 9:00 to get here because that was when season 3 of
Sons of Anarchy began. When the opening notes of the theme song began, I freely admit that I felt that little thrill of anticipation, knowing something good was about to happen.
****NOTE- If you haven't watched last night's ep yet, stop here. SPOILER ALERT****
Season 2 ended with a bang. There was a huge power struggle between Jax and Clay over what direction SAMCRO needed to go down in the future. Gemma was dealing with her own problems- the aftermath of her brutal attack
and the fact that she was now on the lam since ATF Agent Stahl had framed her for a double murder. To top it all off, Jax, Tara and the rest of the Sons were broken by baby Abel's kidnapping.
If season 2 ended with a bang, you could still smell the gunpowder when season 3 started. All I have to say is "WOW!" Kurt Sutter, the show's creator and writer, let it be know pretty quickly that none of the loose ends were going to be easily tied together.
The power struggle is still there. Clay tells Jax at one point that the two of them represent the past, present and future of the MC and that their actions from here on out would determine the club's future. Reading between the lines, their fight can wait while they deal with the Abel and Gemma situations. I really hope their fight doesn't completely stay on the back burner, because I really loved it when the two of them had that big knockdown dragout in jail last season!
Poor Gemma. She's hiding out in some fleabag motel in Oregon with only Tig and a bunch of Oregon Sons for protection/company. She has to stay in hiding until they can prove that Stahl is framing her. She's on the verge of stir crazy and I can't blame her (if I only had Tig for company, I'd be stir crazy too!). To keep her from freaking out any worse, they haven't told her about the baby's kidnapping. How much more can a person deal with, right??? Dump finding out that your mom just died and your senile dad is all alone on top of that. Even though it's dangerous, Gemma makes Tig take her to see her dad. Gemma's a bad mamma jamma! I so want to be like her when I grow up.
Poor Tara. She's just barely holding it together. Her job was in jeopardy last season because of her association with SAMCRO and now because of Abel's kidnapping, her doctoring skills are slipping away. In a child's surgery, she completely loses it, huge panic attack. I can't blame her though. She was there, in the house, when the Irish kidnapper shows up, kills Half Sack and steals the baby. The only thing that happened to her is getting tied to the chair. She knows that Jax blames her- should she, could she have done more to save Abel and Sack? Is she overanalyzing it? Of course she is, but I mean duh!!!! She's a woman, we overanalyze
everything! I know I do. We know we shouldn't do it but I think overanalysis is ingrained in the double-X chromosome situation.
Poor Jax!!! If the women are barely holding it together, he's falling apart. Tara's right (see, sometimes we are right when we overanalyze!!!), he is blaming her for Abel's kidnapping. But he's also blaming himself- for not being there to protect his baby and for dragging Tara into this life. He's torn between anger, depression, the need for vengeance, all the gambit of emotions. God love him, he breaks down in the shower and just sits down and cries. Personally, I would gladly have jumped in to comfort him, wash his back, whatever...
Regardless of my drooling over Jax, I can't wait for next Tuesday. If the season premiere is any indication of where
Sons is going, hold on tight cause it's going to be a wild ride!