Monday, January 25, 2010

Movie Review: Avatar

OK, so you may not have heard about it but there is this little flick out there that goes by the name of Avatar. Yeah right, I think everybody in the free world has seen this movie at least once since it is already at #2 all-time in box office revenue and is closing in fast on Titanic. I know, it has been out for 6 weeks so I'm a little slow in going to see it but I'm really glad I did. It definitely lived up to the hype and then some!

As I was watching it, I was sort of building the story in my mind...Power hungry conglomerate bands together with the military to take over a planet that is inhabited with a less-civilized-than-they-are population all in the effort of getting an extremely valuable mineral, unobtanium. Despite the fact that the enemy is much more technologically advanced, the nature loving natives band together and use rudimentary weapons to hold onto their sacred lands.

Have you ever had one of those epiphany moments? One where the light bulb goes off above your head and everything becomes clear? I had one sitting in the theater, wearing those stupid 3D glasses (I hate 3D- Lasik and 3D don't work well together).

The historical part of my brain kicked into overdrive and I realized that anyone who had my American History I class last semester should have recognized the story. Make a few substitutions...Power hungry nation (Spain/England) bands together with the military to take over the New Worldwhich is inhabited with a less-civilized-than-they-are population all in the effort of getting an extremely valuable mineral, gold. Despite the fact that the enemy is much more technologically advanced, the nature loving natives band together and use rudimentary weapons to hold onto their sacred lands.

This movie is a virtual retelling of the European conquering of North America. When I told Caitlin this, she sort of rolled her eyes but my Daddy said the same idea struck him as he was watching it. Let's play the historian's "what if" game for a minute. What if Hernando Cortez had been more like Jake Sully and had tried to help the natives rather than to overthrow them? Imagine how history would have been different.

Whether you agree with me about the historical parallels or not, you have to admit, this movie rocks!


  1. That is exactly what I thought of as well. I was against the humans and they were making me angry! I guess that is how the Indians felt as well! Sure did make me think about things.....

  2. I know! I'm definitely pro-military. They are all heroes! But in this case, I was rooting against them. Goes to show how a few bad apples who are money hungry can ruin the ideals of good people. That goes for everything, not just the military.
