For the second time in as many days, I'm having to say those words as I watch one of my favorite shows end. First Jack on Lost, now Jack on 24. I'm really glad that both shows went out on good terms but can I just tell you, it sucks to think no Lost or 24 next season. Complete case of the sads.
When comparing one Jack to the other, I have to admit that I'm Team Jack Bauer! If you have been in one of my classes during the presidential election season, you know I was pushing Jack Bauer for President!!! He would be like Teddy Roosevelt without all the elegance and polish. Ahhh imagine it!
Like Lost, 24 was cool in it's own unique kind of way. It always blew my mind that one man could get caught up in such craziness all in a single day. And poor Jack, he had 8 of them! Even when he was going off half-cocked and half insane, Jack was always doing what was best for the country he loves...even if it meant losing those closest to him.
The best thing thing about the 24 finale was the last scene. Jack said goodbye to his long-suffering sidekick Chloe (my 2nd fave character on the series BTW) and then the camera panned in really tight on his face. He gave a small smile and then he was gone. IMDB keeps hinting at rumors of a 24 movie somewhere down the road. With that last scene, the producers left that possibility open. *Fingers crossed, fingers crossed*
The worst thing about the 24 finale was the fact that the clock, which always counts through the show showing that "events occur in real time," got to the very end and counted down to 0:00:00. So sad. It's over.
But hey, now Jack can concentrate on the 2012 election.
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