I know that June is the traditional time for weddings but hey, in my family we like to buck the system. I'm sure my Franklin folks thought I was crazy Friday when I came in dressed in pearls, panty hose and real shoes (who am I kidding? My Franklin folks already KNOW I'm crazy) but I had to high-tail it out of there as soon as everybody got done with their finals because my baby brother Andrew tied the knot with his lady love, Haley. I love it when we add new folks to the family...ahh young love!!!
In the pic you get to see baby sister Sarah, little sister Savannah, Cruz (Savannah's boyfriend), my Daddy (if you have been in one of my classes, you've heard about him, now you have a face to go with the stories), the happy couple Andrew and Haley, yours truly, Caitlin and little brother Ti (yes ladies, he's single!)
Congratulations to my brother and new sister! Best wishes for the future!
WOW!!! What a wonderful picture! You have such a beautiful family. Every one of them looks happy here! I love seeing you and Caitlin... and yay, your DAD! It IS nice to put a face with all the stories. It's also neat to see your brother who you've talked about. Thanks so much for sharing this. It's really special.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to the bride and groom!!! Ya'll look sweet!
Thanks so much! They are such a cute couple. I got tickled at all the other family members whispering to themselves about who was going to be next. Since Savannah and Cruz are the only couple amongst us, guess who they were all putting money on. Personally, I told Cruz to run. Run fast! It killed me to see my baby brother get married; I'm definitely NOT ready to hear people talk about my 15 year old sister getting married!
ReplyDeleteYea, I'm sure that was awkward to hear them talking about your sister who's only 15. That's not a thought I'd want to entertain. LOL.. Yes.. Cruz should run very fast! I'm happy for Andrew and Haley. They just look so cute! :) Did you have a lot of family there? Do you have a big family? Well, I know that day must have been hectic for you, but it seems that it was worth it. Everyone looks extremely happy. Turned out great!
ReplyDeleteIt really did turn out nicely. Most weddings are overly elegant, ornate affairs but this one was just plain simple, the way it ought to be. It was an outside ceremony at Haley's aunt's (I think?) house. Then we moved to the park-like backyard for the reception, an old-fashioned barbeque. I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThe pic is missing my nephew Baylor (Ti's little boy) and my stepmother. Baylor was at school where he lives with his mother, north of Chattanooga and for some reason, my stepmother wasn't there when we snapped the picture. I think she was on the other side of the party talking to people. I'm not kidding, the backyard really was that big.
AWWW loving the family photo! Ti looks so giddy it kills me lol. Tell bug I thought the dress was lovely.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! Ti was giddy because he wasn't the one getting married! It was so funny because he and the other groomsmen walked out at the very beginning with Andrew and they all looked calm & collected. Then the bridesmaids started walking down the aisle. Sarah was first and she looked like she was doing everything she could to keep from crying (you know that look people get like they are sucking on a lemon or something!) and then Savannah came out with a smile on her red face and tears in her eyes. I looked at Ti thinking he'd be laughing at them and lo and behold he was fighting back tears too!!! It was absolutely hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI swore into the navy yesterday. I qualify to be a navy aviation rescue swimmer.. which means i will be on a base and when we get a call i will go out to the ocean or mountains and either jump out of or repel down to the person or persons and bring them back to the helicopter to perform whatever medical procedures they need until i can get them to a hospital:) like the guardian but instead of coast guard it's the navy:)
ReplyDeleteMegan, that is great!!!! I am so proud of you. This sounds like an amazing job. I want to hear all the stories about your rescues (you know...all the ignorant folks like me who get caught by the current and need to be saved). Major congrats! Please post as much as possible so I can keep up with you.
ReplyDeleteI promise i will:). i leave for basic January 18th so between now and then i'll be running and swimming a lot lol. the training for an AIRR is at the level of the Navy Seal. it's hard but it will be worth it. So some fun facts i thought you might like. I get to learn how to do CPR in the water and they teach me how to "safely" knock someone out so they wont try and drag me down. it's an eighteen week course in pensacola florida then two weeks in either maine or california. my basic will be in great lakes, Illinois
ReplyDeleteWow...the fun facts are cool. I never thought about you doing CPR in the water. I guess I always pictured rescuers getting people to safety and then doing CPR. Would kind of defeat the purpose if the person you are trying to save died along the way wouldn't it??? Also, you really need to teach me how to "safely" knock somebody out! That would come in handy at the movie theater when people won't shut up. I keep asking for a taser for Christmas for that purpose but my family won't give me one.
ReplyDeleteBTW- have you read the newest House of Night book? I thought about you when I got it. I'm loving me some Aphrodite and Stark! And Darius too. If only I could find me a vampire like that!
lol i'll come creep in one of your classes some time...and i'm in the process of reading it right now:)i'm just begining:)
ReplyDeleteLOL! You know you are welcome any time. And it doesn't have to be one of the Clifton classes, feel free to drop by any of my classes!
ReplyDeleteYou'll prolly see me creeping in the back with my pj's on:)
ReplyDeleteSo funny!!! I have a couple of weeks off before summer classes start so everyday I've been like, "which sweat pants and Twilight sleep shirt am I going to wear today?" Doesn't it frighten you that I have enough of each to have clean ones every day?