Since the 13th century, the Western World has had a fascination with Robin Hood. The idea that a nobleman-turned-outlaw would rob from the rich and give to the poor because he himself was screwed by the powers that be is an intriguing thought. It's kind of morally ambiguous if you think about it. Stealing is bad right? But stealing and then giving the loot away to those in need sort of cancels out the sin doesn't it? That's what we tell ourselves anyway.
With the new Robin Hood movie coming out, the History Channel, Discovery Channel and anything historically related have been on the Robin Hood bandwagon. (I don't blame them, I can't wait to see the movie myself) But the big question is...was Robin Hood a real person? Or his he just a made-up figure, designed to give the oppressed people in Medieval Europe and later in history hope?
Something tells me the answer is a little bit of both. When looking at the timelines, the idea that there was just one Robin Hood doesn't really hold water. My two cents- take them for what they are worth- is that yes, there was a nobleman who got the short end of the deal and was branded an outlaw. In the Middle Ages, this was a horrible thing. You had a price on your head and anybody would likely sell you out for the bounty.
I'm assuming that this nobleman, always referred to as Robert of Locksley, realized the plight of the common people once he became an outlaw. One way to keep the wolves away from your door is to feed them. Hence the rob from the rich, give to the poor thing. If you are helping them, they aren't going to be as likely to rat you out.
Over time, other men took up the idea of the big-hearted outlaw and they all got lumped together under the name "Robin Hood," Robin being a nickname for Robert back in the day.
Robin Hood's hunting ground was the Nottingham area and it's nearby Sherwood Forest. Sherwood Forest was a royal forest so it was even illegal for Robin Hood and his Merry Men to hide out there. Some researchers today are questioning whether or not Sherwood Forest was his only hideout. Archaeologists have been studying the system of caverns under Nottingham Castle (as seen in the pic above) and are wondering whether or not Robin and the crew might have been using them as a base too. Interesting thought- imagine pulling off a huge black market organization in the sheriff's basement because if the theories are true, this is exactly what it all boils down to.
Will we ever really know for sure? Doubtful.
Does it make wonderful story material for a history buff/conspiracy theorist like me? Abso-frigging-lutely!
Neat stuff! As a child watching the animated Robin Hood, I always thought he was a hero... The movie always presented the rich people to be bad.. and the poor people so opressed. He seemed like what he was doing was right.. even though stealing is never right. Anywho... great post! I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteYes, stealing is definitely wrong. But isn't letting people starve to death so the ruling classes have clothes made from real gold thread or even so much food that they give the leftovers to the dogs even worse? Robin Hood is a hero from the 13th and 14th centuries. There are some places today that need a Robin Hood!
ReplyDeleteWatch robin hood 2010 full movie free click https://365movies.is/tag/zmovies watch now. Bottom line is, that this movie was a waste of time. Maybe not AS big a waste as Avatar, but a waste nonetheless. I couldn't hear what the characters were saying, there were too many long talking scenes, the battles were confusing as to who was fighting who and why. The best moments in the movie where 1. when you can see the arrow leaving Robin Hood's bow in extreme slow motion, and 2. when the King screams in the weirdest way possible, "I declare him to be an OUTLAAAAAW!!" (It still cracks me up). Other than that, this movie is not worth seeing. It just doesn't work. Click https://365movies.is/tag/losmovies/ watch movies free now.
ReplyDeleteRussell Crowe seems to fat, too old, and too uninteresting to present a romantic or convincing Robin Hook to the screen. He tries to pull it off like an athletic shot-putter in what should be a ballet. Robin Hood should not be played like a gladiator. Gee, Sly Stallone could do same ( just as bad a job) as Crowe did for 10% of Russell's pay!The producers should have signed someone 20 years younger. .
See more: http://moviesbox.live/robin-hood-2018-review.html
I'm surprised by the performance of Academy Award Winners Ridly Scott, Cate Blanchett, and Russell Crowe. This movie is a disgrace to them. I have 3 reasons why this movie is bad. 1. Very boring 2. Has stuff that the watcher doesn't need to know about 3. A Disgrace. I got so flicked off at the end of the movie i just wanted to go up on the screen and tear it down. This movie felt like it was 5 hours long!!! I wasn't the only one asleep. I heard someone snoring in the front seat of me. It about a person who fights and becomes a hero and later his name turns in to Robin Hood. Come on actors/actresses try again! I'll give this a 2/10
See more: http://moviesbox.live/robin-hood-cast.html