It's sad to say that I have actually heard this question asked. In GRADUATE SCHOOL no less. It absolutely blew my mind that somebody who managed to get into a graduate level history program was serious about that question. She asked it as a group of us in summer classes together were killing time before the teacher got there. At first, I thought she was being funny- maybe she was intending to ask if they celebrated Independence Day in England- but she was dead serious.
The answer to the question is yes, they do have a 4th of July in England and also in every other country who follows the same calendar we do. If you've ever seriously asked that question yourself, please don't tell anybody. I beg you, just please don't.
However, what you can tell people is the fact that you are proud to live in a country where in 1776 our Founding Fathers and a bunch of ragtag militia soldiers risked a traitorous death to fight for and earn the freedom that we celebrate today. Be sure to remember that as you enjoy your hot dogs and fireworks.
The old saying is correct...Freedom isn't free...
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