Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Everybody's got them...and mine is the Real Housewives of New Jersey. It sounds really weird because I absolutely hate reality shows. Well, does this crap really count as reality?

I would rather cut off my left pinky toe than watch Survivor or Dancing with the Stars or American Idol but I am absolutely glued to the TV when the Jersey Housewives are on. It's a bunch of psycho heifers who are constantly fighting with each other, high school style. I can just imagine all of these women in school with their teased up 80's hairdos giving the 'oh no you didn't' head bob.

When it comes down to it, I guess I ought to be happy that my boring little life is so mundane. I could be throwing tables, getting new bubbies, and snatching weaves like they do.

Nah, I'd rather set on my couch and roll my eyes at their craziness.


  1. haha i LOVE the real housewives of new jersey to! Theresa cracks me up because my best friend is exactly like her except blond! they really are all a little insane!

  2. I'm such a Jacqueline, never the one to start trouble but always in the middle of it! I so wanted her to punch Danielle in the nose when she was standing by the car.

  3. "No honey you got me to that point..." bless Teresa.
