They had me at "Olympians." Ever since 4th grade, I have been utterly addicted to Greek Mythology. My dream job would be to teach mythology (ancient and modern). So this movie was a definite must for me. It's based on the first in a series of books by Rick Riordan (another series that I was a latecomer to and have now read multiple times). Another reason this movie appealed to me was the fact that the director was Chris Columbus, he of the first two Harry Potter movies, Mrs. Doubtfire and Home Alone fame. Love him!
I worried going into the theater that the Lightning Thief movie wouldn't be as good as the book. I needn't have worried. For two hours, I didn't even blink.
The story opens with the Greek gods on the verge of war. Sibling rivalry between Zeus and Poseidon has brought things to a head. Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen and he blames Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson, for the theft. The problem with this is that not only is Percy innocent, he has absolutely no idea that he is the son of a god. To prove his innocence and stop the war, Percy must find the lightning bolt and return it to Zeus. In his quest, he is accompanied by Annabeth, daughter of Athena, and his half-goat, half-human best bud, Grover.
The actors were great, the story moved fast and the special effects were spot on. It's definitely going to draw in the crowds who like Harry Potter. Plus, part of it was filmed at the Parthenon in Nashville- practically in my own backyard! The only thing that was sort of weird for me was the fact that in the books, Percy and Annabeth are only about 12 years old. In the movie they are 16, 17ish. It was strange to see Percy with an Adam's apple and a deep voice and for Annabeth to have boobies. But this sort of made me think of book PJ&O and movie PJ&O as two separate but equally worthy entries.
I give this movie two thumbs AND two big toes up! Go and see it right now- and then come home and read the book. They better make the other 4 books in the series into movies too!
ohhh me too me too! i love greek Mythology! is it too much i wanted to name my baby adonis...probaly..j/k...do you rember the one with harry hamilon and that little clock bird...;)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I remember that one. It was the original Clash of the Titans movie. I was in the first grade when it came out at it was the height of technology for the time. I still love it- definite cult classic. I can't wait for the remake to come out this spring. Harry was cute back in the day but Sam Worthington, who plays Perseus in this one, is 110 different kinds of HOT!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the idea of Adonis for a name. It is a lot to live up to though. If I had any sort of Greek heritage, I might have picked Athena when I was choosing names for Caitlin. But I supposed naming my child after the goddess of wisdom might be a lot for her to live up to also. I was Athena for Halloween last year though.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like the coolest movie ever!!! I am watching the news right now, and lol... they are actually talking about it selling so many tickets. I'll have to go see it when I get a free day. I love Greek mythology. All the stories are so fun to hear. We had our English teacher in 6th grade tell us so many of them. Very interesting stuff! Anywho... thanks for the review. I wasn't completely sold on it.. even though it has its Harry Potter connection. Now I definitely want to see it.
ReplyDeleteI loved the books. Like I said, I was a latecomer to the series because it was marketed for middle grades and I thought it might be a bit too young to pique my interest. Not so!!! I bought the 1st one and read it in about 2 hours. I had to make a quick trip to Wally world to get the other 4. I was afraid that the movie wouldn't live up to the book but it really did...just in a different sort of way. IMHO, it's definitely a worthy successor to my Harry Potter love. I saw yesterday where the studio has given the greenlight to the 2nd movie. Yay! Plus, the author is writing another series that from what I understand is still about the Greek gods, just with another hero. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteSounds great. I will definitely have to check the books out too! I always love the books the best. The movies are sometimes just as good, but the books are must-haves. Who is the author for this series? Mom and I will have to make a BooksAMillion trip. I need one. I'm about to sit down and finish the Mortal Instruments today. I've really really enjoyed so far. It took me some time to get into it and get to know the characters... but yes, very wonderful so far. :) I too am a book lover. Always have been, always will be.
ReplyDeleteRick Riordan is the one who wrote the series. Right now B&N is having a sale on the Lightning Thief books (or at least they were Saturday). So good, so good. I started out with them in paperback and loved them so much that I went back to get them in hardback so they would hold up to multiple readings. The new book in his sequel series is supposed to come out this year. Same thing for the MI books- Cassandra Clare is writing a prequel series for them with the first one coming out in September. I'm going to be cash poor but book rich by the end of the year!
ReplyDeleteThat's so exciting!!! I know you'll really enjoy that. It's great that to have that love in common. I can completely relate to wanting the hardbacks. I've worn several books out from reading them many times. There's just those that you just can't get enough of. You read them over and over trying to get as much out of them as you can. It's wonderful. Just wonderful. :)
ReplyDeletehey ms. ramona, this is elisabeth pulley, maria's sister. i saw the movie and it was great. my fave part was when luke and percy were fighting over the lighting bolt and they were wearing converse shoes that had wings. lol, right? how did they come up with that? glad that you let people post about it.
ReplyDeleteThat part was really cool. It was different from the ending in the book but I liked it. I'm always a book girl but I think this was a good adaptation. I don't know why I was even worried about it- the same dude that did the 1st two Harry Potter movies did it and I just love his work. Plus, Converse are a staple at my house. Caitlin has about 750 pairs of them (slight exaggeration there). And they are David Tennant as Doctor Who's signature footwear. Love it Love it Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd oh yeah, thanks for joining!!!! The more the merrier!!!! Post anytime and be sure to tell all your friends about our little blog party.