Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have to share some good news with everybody. You all know how much I love to write- otherwise I wouldn't be talking about my book all the time- and I just got some info that my writing has paid off.

I submitted two of my short stories to Perceptions, Columbia State's literary journal. I had one story published in it last year so I was keeping my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, they would choose one for this year's edition also. Then I got the response- they put BOTH of them in!!!! When I got the word last year about the first story, I did a happy dance that looked more like Chunk doing the Truffle Shuffle in The Goonies. This year, it was the futterwacken dance from Alice in Wonderland. Oh yeah, I was excited.

To make it even better, Cathleen (or Cookie Girl as I call her now since she was the one who made the biscotti) from my Franklin class got two of her photos included in the Visual Arts section of the journal. Yay for Cathleen!


  1. Yay for Ramona! As always, I am singularly pleased by your sucess as i live vicariously through you as a writer lol!

  2. Thank you, thank you! You know one of these days it won't be vicariously- people will be reading both of our stuff and be like "hey you know these two amazing authors are like bestest friends."

  3. I'm so happy for you! I know how much you love to write. Are these the two you told me about a while back...like Christmas time-ish? All I can say is that it's a step closer to getting Destiny out there! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN! I just know it'll be a success. ;) You're awesome like that!

  4. Yup, these are the ones I was telling you about. One is the second part of the story that got published last year, the other is a sci-fi space story with a twist. Can't tell you the twist though because it will ruin it.

  5. Congrats Mutti!!! This little hija is so prowd

  6. And to speak Matt Bellamy, fanks so much!

  7. Haha.. Mutti.. German? Nice...lol. What is hija? Is it German also?

  8. I know Mutti is mother.. if I do say so..lol.

  9. Nah, hija is Spanish for daughter. If anybody was sitting around in our house listening to us talk, they would be so confused. A little German, a little Spanish, some French Latin and Italian. Oh yeah, and Pig Latin. Throw in the daycare kids and you have "Toddler" too!Just another example of the weirdness that is me.
